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Welcome to the Tsoi Dug Website
On Chinese Culture and
The Chinese Intellectual Heritage

(Bilingual English-Chinese)


We are a non-profit site dedicated to the promotion and development of Chinese culture and heritage, especially the intellectual heritage. We believe that this heritage is extremely relevant to and suitable for the modern world. We also believe that for modern Chinese to have the appropriate pride and identity, it is necessary to understand the Chinese intellectual heritage and, thus enabled, to use and apply this intellectual heritage to find his or her place in the modern world. We also believe that we are at the very beginnings of a great world event: a several-hundred-year long Chinese Cultural Renaissance. Just as has happened with the Renaissance in the West, the resultant new culture will belong not only to China, but also to the whole world. Therefore we can all benefit, Chinese or not, from learning about the Chinese cultural and intellectual heritage.

Posted on this site is a variety of talks, papers, translations of classics including the Xiao Jing, a section on Di Zi Gui or dizigui ("Student's Rules 弟子规"), Chinese/Cantonese poems, literary endeavors, and a blog. Whenever possible, we write in bilingual Chinese and English. Please peruse and feel free to send us your valued comments.



Promoting and Developing
The Chinese Intellectual Heritage



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新作:                                                 (到新作纪录)

  • ""Your Beautiful Face Under the Moon""  
  • 《月下看芳容》
  • "Village Qingming Commemorating Ancestors"  
  • 《清明乡村祭祖》
  • "The Autumn Wind"  
  • 《秋风》
  • "Ode to the Long-Life Buddha Tangka"  
  • 《长寿佛唐卡颂》
  • "Wedding Anniversary Speech: Blessings of the Big Family"  
  • 《结婚周年讲话:大家庭是福泽》
  • "Mid Autumn"  
  • 《中秋》
  • "So Many Years I Didn't Know It Was Dark"  
  • 《多年不知暗》
  • "The Great Land"  
  • 《大地》
  • "Dialogues with The Elder 4: Homosexuality"  
  • 《跟长者的对话四:同性恋》
  • "Dialogues with The Elder 3: The Multigenerational Extended Family"  
  • 《跟长者的对话三:多代大家庭》
  • "Dialogues with The Elder 2: Raising Children, Marriage"  
  • 《跟长者的对话二:养育儿女、婚姻》
  • "Dialogues with The Elder 1: Having Children"  
  • 《跟长者的对话一:生儿女》
  • "Going Up Longji (The Dragon's Spine)"  
  • 《上龙脊》
  • "Going Down the Lijiang River"  
  • 《下漓江》
  • On Marriage - Wedding Toast by A Groom's Father  
  • 《论婚姻:新翁婚宴祝酒致辞》
  • "Driving Along the Coast in California - 3"  
  • 《加州沿海游车:其三》
  • "Driving Along the Coast in California - 2"  
  • 《加州沿海游车:其二》
  • "Driving Along the Coast in California - 1"  
  • 《加州沿海游车:其一》
  • "Sunset on the Plane"  
  • 《机上夕阳》
  • "Thoughts on Mother Turning Eighty"  
  • 《母亲八十有感》
  • "Comments on 'Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mom'"  
  • 《评“虎妈妈的战歌”》
  • "Running the Forest Trails"  
  • 《跑林径》
  • "Returning on a Sea of Clouds"  
  • 《云海归》
  • "Backpack Hiking to Berry Falls to Camp"  
  • 《徒步到贝里瀑布露营》
  • "Refuting 'Relationship-Defined Obligations Means Caring Only for One's Circle'"  
  • 《反驳“人伦至上时人们只顾圈子”》
  • "Mulan’s Near Execution: A Disney Fabrication - In Defense of Chinese Culture"  
  • 《花木兰几乎被处死:迪斯尼的捏造 - 捍卫中华文化》
  • "Being Authentically Chinese"  
  • 《做个真正的华人》
  • "Confucius' Teachings Are Conducive to A Modern Society Based on Freedom and Free Will"  
  • 《孔子的教导有利于自由和自愿的现代社会》
  • "The Thought Framework of Relationship-Defined Obligations Greatly Helps Both Society and The Individual"  
  • 《人伦思想构架对社会和个人帮助都很大》
  • "Relationship-Defined Obligations, The Five Cardinal Relationships and The Six Cardinal Relationships"  
  • 《人伦、五伦和六伦》
  • "The Traditional Chinese Supremacy of Relationship-Defined Obligations vs. The West's Supremacy of Love"  
  • 《中华传统的人伦至上对西方的爱至上》
  • "Some Ways To Be Xiao (To Be Good To Parents and Ancestors)"  
  • 《行孝的一些方法》
  • "Xiao or Being Good to Parents and Ancestors"  
  • 《孝:对父母和祖先好》
  • "Principles of Translating Classical Chinese"  
  • 《文言文翻译的原则》
  • "Beam Door" - from the Book of Poetry - Songs from Chen, Spring and Autumn  
  • 《衡门》- 春秋《诗经。陈风》,英语译
  • "Explanation Upon Entering the Academy" - by Han Yu, Tang Dynasty  
  • 《进学解》,唐朝韩愈著,英语译
  • "What I've Learned Studying The Fine Chinese Tradition Xin (Trustworthiness)"  
  • 《我学习中华传统美德“信”的几点心得》
  • "Inscription: The Crude House" - by Liu Yu Xi, Tang Dynasty  
  • 《陋室铭》,唐朝刘禹锡著,英语译
  • "'Guan, Guan!' Go the Fishhawks" - the first poem from The Book of Poetry  
  • 《关关雎鸠》,春秋《诗经》第一首,英语译
  • "The Mountain Spirit" - by Qu Yuan, Warring States  
  • 《山鬼》,战国屈原著,英语译
  • "Eulogy to the Ancient Battlefield" - by Li Hua, Tang Dynasty  
  • 《吊古战场文》,唐朝李华著,英语译
  • "The Land of Courtesy and Integrity"  
  • 《礼义之邦》
  • "The Officers at Shi Hao" - by Du Fu, Tang Dynasty  
  • 《石壕吏》,唐朝杜甫著,英语译
  • Di Zi Gui Explanatory Comment 6 - Verses 28-33: Xiao (Being Good To Parents) Part 5  
  • 《弟子规》续句解说之六:第28至33句,孝之五
  • Di Zi Gui (Students' Rules) Verses 2 & 121's "Jin" Means "Being Reverent"  
  • 《弟子规》第二和第121句的 "谨" 是 "恭谨" 的意思
  • Di Zi Gui (Students' Rules) Verse 143's "Give Much; Take Little" Should Change

  • 《弟子规》第143句的 "与宜多,取宜少" 要改

        ...See All New Works    


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