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Essays (To Complicated Chinese Script)      
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"Ode to the Long-Life Buddha Tangka"            

by Feng Xin-ming              



Upper left: Amita Buddha
Upper right: Immovable Buddha
Center: Long-Life Buddha
Lower left: White Tara Deity
Lower Center: Yellow Wealth Deity
Lower Center: Namgalma Deity

                                中文 Chinese

  英语 English

  阿弥陀佛,启示于我     The Amita Buddha, enlightens me thus:
  大家一起,学习思量     Everyone together, study and ponder;
  请教讨论,研究创新     Ask and discuss, research and innovate;
  注重实践,身体力行     Focus on real life and practice what you learn;
  倡善批恶,讲述宣扬     Advocate the good and criticize the bad;
  持久如此,智慧充足     Persist in this, and your wisdom will grow great;
  烦恼全无;     Your worries will disappear.
  服务人类,有效且强     You will serve mankind effectively and strongly.

  不动佛尊,启示于我     The Immovable Buddha, enlightens me thus:
  专业敬业,投入勤劳     Be professional, respect and take interest in your work, and work hard
服务客户,照顾关怀     Serve your customers; look after them and care about them;
创新不断,精益求精     Innovate ceaselessly, and keep improving;
多快好省,生产日趋     Every day produce more, faster, better, and more economically;
优秀企业,社会资源     For excellent enterprises, direct society's resources
尽力引至,不止自身     Towards them; not only do so yourself,
亦嘱家属,亦咐员工     But also get your family and your employees to do it.
  持久如此,事业旺盛     Persist in this, and your career will flourish;
  服务人类,有效且强     You will serve mankind effectively and strongly.

  白度母神,启示于我     The White Tara Deity, enlightens me thus:
  家室温暖,家人协和     Make your family full of warmth, and the members harmonious;
道德伦理,家庭模型     Morals and obligations, models of family structure,
合府一道,学习思量     The whole family together should study and ponder them;
研究讨论,结合当今     Research and discuss; integrate with the present;
  注重实践,身体力行     Focus on real life and practice what you learn;
倡善批恶,讲述宣扬     Advocate the good and criticize the bad;
妻儿媳婿,育幼持家     When the wife, offspring, daughter in law and son in law bring up children and keep households;
  参与帮助,鼓励支持     Take part and help; encourage and support;
  早生多生,积极提倡     Having children early and many, encourage it actively;
  持久如此,人丁旺盛     Persist in this and your family's numbers will flourish;
  从小灌注,品学兼良     From a young age on instill both good character and learning;
  供送社会,劳动人才     Supply society with good labor power;
  服务人类,有效且强     You will serve mankind effectively and strongly.

  黄财神圣,启示于我     The Yellow Wealth Deity, enlightens me thus:
  精打细算,悭俭勤劳     Calculate and budget carefully; be frugal and industrious;
  智慧务实,诚信有名     Practice wisdom and work on concrete problems; make a name of being trustworthy and honest;
  等价交换,遵照市场     Exchange at equal value, according to the market;
  创新不断,精益求精     Innovate ceaselessly, and keep improving;
  多快好省,生产日趋     Every day produce more, faster, better, and more economically;
优秀企业,社会资源     For excellent enterprises, direct society's resources
  尽力引至,不止自身     Towards them; not only do so yourself,
亦嘱家属,亦咐员工     But also get your family and your employees to do it.
  持久如此,企业丰盈     Persist in this and your enterprise will enjoy abundance;
  规模扩大,成效增多     Its scale will expand; good results will increase.
  服务人类,有效且强     You will serve mankind effectively and strongly.

  尊胜佛母,启示于我     The Namgyalma Deity, enlightens me thus:
  心态开朗,处世祥和     Keep a cheerful outlook, deal with the world calmly and kindly;
  工作投入,休息定时     Take an active interest in your work, rest at set times;
  饮食适当,运动经常     Eat and drink appropriately, exercise regularly;
  学习生理,防疾养生     Study how the body functions, prevent disease and keep in good health;
  起居出入,注重安全     In daily living and when going in and out, pay attention to safety;
  持久如此,健康平安     Persist in this and you will be healthy and safe;
  精力智力,历久尤盈     Your energy and your mental capability, will stay abundant despite the years.
  服务人类,有效且强     You will serve mankind effectively and strongly.

  长寿佛尊,启示于我     The Long-Life Buddha, enlightens me thus:
  佛神嘱咐,尽力而为     What the Buddhas and Deities exhort, do your best to achieve;
  添加慈善,合成布施     Add charity, and together you are dana giving;
  持久如此,长寿岁年     Persist in this, and long life will come,
  功德圆满,足以达成     Enough to attain completion of merit.
  服务人类,有效且强     You will serve mankind effectively and strongly.

  如此人生,精彩丰足     A life like this, is exciting and full;
  奋力而行,更无他欲     Strive to practice this, and desire none other.

                                                    【 完 】                                                                                   < End >                                      

《长寿佛》唐卡为日喀则扎什伦布寺次仁老师所赐,启发了我要过一个怎样的人生,谨作此颂以谢次仁老师及扎什伦布寺,亦与大家分享心得。   The Long-Life Buddha Tangka was gifted to me by Teacher Ci Ren of the Tashilhunpo Monastary at Xigaze and has enlightened me as to how to live my life. With this Ode I want to respectfully thank Teacher Ci Ren and the Tashilhunpo Monastery and also to share with everyone what I have learned.  

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