(To Complicated Chinese Script)
We hope to publish original poems submitted by Chinese authors, so if you've written some unpublished poetry please feel free to submit them by emailing us at contact@tsoidug.org. We will definitely publish them on our website if they are suitable.
My poems are written to Cantonese rhyme and rhythm. That's because Chinese culture has existed not in the abstract but in concrete manifestations as the many local and ethnic cultures that constitute the Chinese nation. The Chinese Cultural Renaissance, which has just begun, necessarily also involves the flowering of all these cultures. Being Cantonese, of course I will try to contribute to the flowering of Cantonese culture, and in so doing contribute to the Chinese Cultural Renaissance as a whole. My learning and ability are limited, so please forgive any errors and even more importantly, please take time out to enlighten us. |
我们希望能够刊登一些华人的诗词原作。如果阁下有尚未刊登的诗词原作,请电邮寄 contact@tsoidug.org。如果适合的话,我们一定会在本网站上刊登。
我作的诗词都是采用粤音韵律的。这是因为中华文化不是抽象地存在,而是具体地表现于各个构成中华民族的地区文化和民族文化。刚开始的中华文化复兴,也一定包含所有这些各个文化的百花齐放。身为粤人,我当然要尽力对粤语文化作一些贡献,从而对整个中华文化复兴作出贡献。 才疏学浅,有错漏之处,请包容见谅,更望能抽闲赐教。 |
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