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(To Complicated Chinese Script)

We hope to publish original poems submitted by Chinese authors, so if you've written some unpublished poetry please feel free to submit them by emailing us at contact@tsoidug.org. We will definitely publish them on our website if they are suitable.

My poems are written to Cantonese rhyme and rhythm. That's because Chinese culture has existed not in the abstract but in concrete manifestations as the many local and ethnic cultures that constitute the Chinese nation. The Chinese Cultural Renaissance, which has just begun, necessarily also involves the flowering of all these cultures. Being Cantonese, of course I will try to contribute to the flowering of Cantonese culture, and in so doing contribute to the Chinese Cultural Renaissance as a whole.

My learning and ability are limited, so please forgive any errors and even more importantly, please take time out to enlighten us.
  我们希望能够刊登一些华人的诗词原作。如果阁下有尚未刊登的诗词原作,请电邮寄 contact@tsoidug.org。如果适合的话,我们一定会在本网站上刊登。


  • "Your Beautiful Face Under the Moon"
  • 《月下看芳容》
  • "Village Qingming Commemorating Ancestors"
  • 《清明乡村祭祖》
  • "The Autumn Wind"
  • 《秋风》
  • "Mid Autumn"
  • 《中秋》
  • "So Many Years I Didn't Know It Was Dark"
  • 《多年不知暗》
  • "The Great Land"
  • 《大地》
  • "Going Up Longji (The Dragon's Spine)"
  • 《上龙脊》
  • "Going Down the Lijiang River"
  • 《下漓江》
  • "Driving Along the Coast in California: 3"
  • 《加州沿海游车:其三》
  • "Driving Along the Coast in California: 2"
  • 《加州沿海游车:其二》
  • "Driving Along the Coast in California: 1"
  • 《加州沿海游车:其一》
  • "Sunset on the Plane"
  • 《机上夕阳》
  • "Thoughts on Mother Turning Eighty"
  • 《母亲八十有感》
  • "Running the Forest Trails"
  • 《跑林径》
  • "Returning on a Sea of Clouds"
  • 《云海归》
  • "Backpack Hiking to Berry Falls to Camp"
  • 《徒步到贝里瀑布露营》
  • "Chang E Ascends To the Moon"
  • 《嫦娥升月》
  • "Early Spring at the Lakeshore"
  • 《湖畔初春》
  • "Autumn in the North"
  • 《北国秋光》
  • "Looking out from an Airplane"
  • 《望机外》
  • "Son"
  • 《儿》
  • "Bamboo"
  • 《竹》
  • "Plum Flower"
  • 《梅》
  • "Early Morning Driving"
  • 《微辰行车》
  • "Horse"
  • 《马》
  • "Untitled"
  • 《无题》
  • "Heavy Rain While Traveling on Highway"
  • 《公路途中遇大雨》
  • "Returning at Night"
  • 《夜归》
  • "Driving Across Nevada and Seeing a Rock Shaped Like a Man"
  • 《车过內华达州见奇石似人》
  • "Snowy Mountain"
  • 《雪山》
  • "Driving Across the Desert and Seeing an Oasis"
  • 《車过大漠見綠洲》
  • "Diamond"
  • 《钻石》
  • "The Plain - Viewed from Plane"
  • 《机上望原》
  • "Thoughts While on the Road"
  • 《途中有感》

  • Keep checking this site for new content!   敬请时常到来查看新内容!

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