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On Marriage
Wedding Toast by A Groom's Father

By Feng Xin-ming, 2013


Friends, family, guests,

Thank you very much for taking valuable time to take part in my daughter-in-law and my son's wedding celebration, and for your wonderful gifts.

As the father of the groom , I should say something that's meaningful to the new couple. But they are already old enough to know all about always respecting each other and always consulting each other. So what I want to talk about is the future. Life is long, and there will always be ups and downs, so there will come a time when you will so-call "don't love" the other person ”that much". What to do then?

I think that, to know what you should do, you have to understand the whole approach that traditional Chinese thinking takes towards marriage.

Western civilization considers love to be supreme but traditional Chinese civilization does not. Instead, what Chinese civilization considers supreme has been "relationship-defined obligations". These are the various obligations that go along with various relationships, obligations that the parties in a relationship owe towards each other. For example, in the relationship between parents and offspring, the obligations that parents owe towards the offspring are that parent must raise and educate the offspring, while the obligations that the offspring owe towards the parents are that offspring must be xiao, or be good to parents, plus offspring must support and care for parents when they are old and weak.

And what are the mutual obligations between husband and wife? They are that both must work together, help each other, look after one another, draw up plans together, consult with one another, and together build a life, a family life where both the next generation is raised and the previous generation is cared for.

According to traditional Chinese thought, as long as you are one of the parties in a relationship, then whether you love the other party or not, you still must carry out your obligations to the other party. For example, whether there is love or not between the government and its citizens, the government must still protect the citizens' persons and property, and the citizens must still pay the government's taxes and obey the government's laws. Likewise, for husband and wife, there's no suddenly waking up one morning thinking "oh, I don't love you any more", and breaking the relationship.

So, when you don't so-call "love" the other person "that much", just stick to carrying out your relationship-defined obligations and the other party should do the same, then love will always return, tempered and therefore stronger than ever.

Contrary to what one might expect, not putting love as supreme but putting relationship-defined obligations as supreme often gives rise to even better and deeper love.

Thank you. Please drink up. Health! Happiness!











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