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Literary Page

Translations of and Notes on Classical Chinese Works
& Traditional Chinese Literature


Chinese Culture and
The Chinese Intellectual Heritage

  • "Principles of Translating Classical Chinese"  
  • 《文言文翻譯的原則》
  • "Beam Door" - from the Book of Poetry - Songs from Chen, Spring and Autumn Period  
  • 《衡門》- 春秋《詩經。陳風》
  • "Explanation Upon Entering the Academy" - by Han Yu, Tang Dynasty  
  • 《進學解》- 唐朝韓愈著
  • "On Loving the Lotus" - by Zhou Dun Yi, Northern Song Dynasty  
  • 《愛蓮記》- 北宋周惇頤著
  • "Inscription - The Crude House" - by Liu Yu Xi, Tang Dynasty  
  • 《陋室銘》- 唐朝劉禹錫著
  • "'Guan Guan!' Go the Fishhawks" - first poem in the Book of Poetry, Spring and Autumn Period  
  • 《關關雎鳩》- 春秋《詩經》第一首詩
  • "The Mountain Spirit" - by Qu Yuan, Warring States Period  
  • 《山鬼》- 戰國屈原著
  • "Eulogy to the Ancient Battlefield" - by Li Hua, Tang Dynasty  
  • 《吊古戰場文》- 唐朝李華著
  • "The Officers at Shi Hao" - by Du Fu, Tang Dynasty  
  • 《石壕吏》- 唐朝杜甫著
  • "Song of the Spirit of Righteousness" - by Wen Tian-Xiang, Song Dynasty  
  • 《正氣歌》- 宋朝文天祥著
  • "The Great Together (From the Chapter Li Yun)" - Confucius Quoted, From Li Ji, Spring and Autumn Period  
  • 《禮運大同篇》- 春秋《禮記》引述孔子
  • "The Ballad of Mulan" - Anonymous, Northern and Southern Dynasties  
  • 《木蘭詞》- 南北朝逸名著
  • "Wong Fui and Gui Ying" - Cantonese Opera, English Translation  
  • 《王魁與桂英》- 粵劇,英語譯
  • "Wong Fui and Gui Ying" - Translators's Note  
  • 《王魁與桂英》- 翻譯者言
  • "Third Mother Teaches Her Son" - Cantonese Opera, English Translation  
  • 《三娘教子》- 粵劇,英語譯
  • "Third Mother Teaches Her Son" - Translators's Note  
  • 《三娘教子》- 翻譯者言

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