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(To Simplified Chinese Script)

Principles of Translating Classical Chinese

This website's approach in translating classical Chinese, whether into English or vernacular (modern spoken) Chinese, is to try to stick as faithfully as possible to the original classical Chinese. Too many translations of the classical Chinese works nowadays take far too much liberty with the original text. Often, many of the translator's own views are imposed onto the original work, and then the result is presented as a translation instead of what it really is, an exposition or a commentary. Thus one often sees a short passagee of a few words of classical Chinese "translated" into a much, much longer passage of vernacular Chinese, sometimes several paragraphs long. Surely that can't be a mere translation!

Instead, I think one of the main principles of translating Chinese classics should be to stick to the original. If there's ambiguity in the original work, then the translation should also retain that ambiguity - the reader should be allowed to see the existence of the ambiguity and to figure out for himself or herself what the original author really means.

The translator shouldn't insert his or her clarification into the translation when none exists in the original. The proper place for the translator to insert his own clarification is footnotes, translator's explanatory notes or commentary.

Sometimes the translator must choose one of several possible meanings because the structure of the translating language permits only one meaning - for example, in classical Chinese it is perfectly alright grammatically for a sentence to leave a word ambiguous as to whether it is being used as a noun or a verb but in vernacular Chinese and in English grammar that ambiguity is not allowed and the translator must choose one or the other. Often the two difference choices in fact lead to two completely different meanings to the sentence or even passage. In such cases the choice should be clearly noted and the alternative interpretations presented.

To repeat, I feel that should a translator wish to clarify, explain, or otherwise expound on the original text, such words should be clearly presented as footnotes, translator's notes, or commentary. The translation itself should, as much as possible, faithfully reflect the original.

- Feng Xin-ming







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